Bush Male Prositution

 BUSH: Now Barry, How would u Like ta run the USA into the ground For Me Son? Git it outta the American Mind ta ever vote Black Again!

Bush vs. Obama in the War on Terror: The Lawyers

Huffington Post30 mins ago

Barack Obama’s ascent to the White House evoked expectations of drastic changes in his …

More news for Bush obama

Who killed more terrorists, Obama or Bush? It depends | PolitiFact

Apr 18, 2016 – President Barack Obama, with a group of national security officials, speaks following a meeting at CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., April 13.

Jeb Bush: Obama speaking at mosque is ‘more than appropriate …


Feb 4, 2016 – Tilton, New Hampshire (CNN) Jeb Bush said Thursday it was “more than appropriate” for President Barack Obama to speak at a mosque, …

Bush: ‘I will not blame Barack Obama for a single thing’ | TheHill


Feb 8, 2016 – Jeb Bush vowed Monday that he will not scapegoat President Obama for any challenges he faces should he be elected president. “My pledge …

Who Is More Responsible for the Rise of ISIS? Bush or Obama? | The …


Do you really believe either Bush or Obama is responsible for the different islamic sects fighting each other? The Sunni’s, Shittes, Alwaites and …

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